Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Few More Blogs

I added a couple more blogs to my list of Blogs Worth Viewing. It is moving to read of the work these folks are doing for the less fortunate in Kyrgyzstan. John Wright is an amazing man. I hope I am fortunate enough to meet him one day. See his work on actofkindness.

1 comment:

Julie and John Wright said...

Thankyou for your kind words... As I look at your blog , I am sitting on the end of my bed on a missions river boat in the heart of Kiev... I look out my window and see the golden tops of the Monistary you showed photo's of... and I think how blessed I have been to be a part of something so special... and I am sure that the work for us has just began...I too hope that one day our paths will cross.
Blessings John